Day 46 of 2022

What Sidney Mohede said

Feb 15th

Few days back, I accidentally found J-channel in my mom’s cable TV, here in Salatiga. It is a christian channel, and the show I was watching was a show in around 2009. I forgot the title, but there is the word Relate as in relationships. One man and one woman as the hosts.

Sidney Mohede was one of the guests. Long story short, He told that his family was his big support, so following Jesus isn’t about a ministry, but the life itself. So, his family is his priority, and the rest comes next.

And the male host asked an interesting question, “What do you say to wives out there who has a husband chasing success all the time, and might abandon their family?” (well, not exactly that sentence 😁, but that is the point)

He said, “Support your husband! Be there for him. There comes a time, if there is something wrong, the husband will think – I have to change”

Sidney had this moment, where he came home from his tour, and his son didn’t want to be hugged.

It was such an enlightenment to me that I didn’t expect Sidney would have said that. However, I shud agree with him.

I am a believer who believes that God only, and only Him, who will change someone’s character/life.

Keep praying, hoping, and doing the right things.

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